Unveiling the Design System Cost Calculator

Wondering what it might cost to create your own design system? Check out our interactive cost calculator below for a personalized estimate based on your needs.

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Why do you need a design system?

A design system is your roadmap to consistency and efficiency. It's not just a design asset; it's a strategic investment that boosts your business’s efficiency. In the fast-paced world of design, time is money, and a well-crafted design system ensures you don't waste either.

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Cost efficiency in the long run

Design system cost may seem substantial upfront, but considering the efficiencies gained through collaborative tools, a design system is actually a long-term cost-saving strategy. With streamlined communication and reduced iteration cycles, the overall cost of design and development projects decreases over time, making the initial investment of the design system cost is a prudent financial decision.

Design system cost calculator

How many products or systems will the design system cover?
Are all the products hosted on the same platform?
How do you rate the complexity of said products?
Do you already have a base library to start from?
What are the motivation(s) for creating a design system?

Choose all that apply

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Design system cost estimation

Number of Products or Design Systems
Hosting platform
Complexity rate
Existing design library
Design system motivations
Improve Efficiency
Cost savings
Elevate visual

Estimated Design system cost

$40.000 to $60.000
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The complexity of design systems

Building a design system is not a walk in the park; it involves
navigating through various design nuances. Understanding the
intricacies can prepare you for the journey ahead.


Inconsistency can lead to confusion and dilute your brand identity. A design system acts as a guardian, ensuring every element adheres to a unified design language.


Scale introduces diversity, and a design system is your tool for managing design diversity seamlessly.

Team work

Collaboration is the heartbeat of design. A design system fosters collaboration by offering a shared language and resources, ensuring consistency across diverse design contributors.


Efficiency is the pulse of productivity. A design system provides a streamlined workflow, empowering your team to focus on innovation rather than reinventing the wheel.


Steps in building
a design system

Research and analysis

Understanding your brand, audience, and design needs sets the foundation. Robust research ensures that your design system aligns with your goals and caters to your unique challenges.


Breaking down your design elements into reusable components is at the core of a design system. This step demands thoughtful consideration of every possible scenario your product might encounter.


Comprehensive documentation is the backbone of a design system. Clearly articulated design principles, guidelines, and component usage ensures seamless adoption and implementation across your team.

Iteration and maintenance

A design system is not static; it evolves with your products. Regular updates and iterations are crucial to adapt to changing design trends, technologies, and user needs.

design system working image

Figma and design system tokens

Among the array of collaborative tools, Figma stands out as a powerhouse for design collaboration. Figma's support for design tokens enhances the effectiveness of design systems in the following ways:

Centralized source
of truth

Figma acts as a centralized source of truth for design assets. Design tokens in Figma allow teams to define and manage a consistent set of styles and components from a single source, ensuring that every team member is working with the latest and most accurate design elements.


Design tokens in Figma enable the creation of token-driven styles, ensuring that design elements are linked to a set of predefined values. This not only enhances consistency but also simplifies the process of updating styles across the entire design system, as changes to tokens automatically propagate to all instances.

Seamless integration with development tools

Figma's compatibility with development tools ensures a smooth handover between design and development phases. Developers can extract design tokens directly from Figma, providing a bridge between design intent and the final product. This integration minimizes discrepancies, accelerates development, and enhances the overall efficiency of the design-to-code workflow.

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