Maximizing Returns through Unified Aesthetics, Efficiency, and Consistency

Elevating Business Impact and User Experience with the Design System ROI Calculator and Strategic Implementation.

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Worth the Investment?

The Design System ROI Calculator plays a pivotal role in assessing the impact and benefits of strategic design system implementation. It’s based on the development time saved and cost savings across design, prototyping, testing, and production. Additionally, the ROI of design systems takes increased revenue and customer satisfaction over time into account.

The cost of implementing a design system varies depending on the size of the business, the complexity of the product offering, and the length of time required to establish the design system.

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Calculate your Design System ROI

Starting Scenario
Average loaded cost per employee
Number of employees using the system?
Efficiency Gain
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Project Cost Savings

Starting Scenario
10 Members + 1 Product
Average loaded cost per employee
Numbers of system users
Project Efficiency

How much money does a design system really save?

In light of all the benefits a design system can offer regarding
collaboration, design, technology, people, etc., what is its true financial value?

Tech return on investment (ROI)

Taking into account an average developer cost of $6,000 per month, our estimation involves investing 7.6 months of a developer's time in constructing a design system. The anticipated outcome is a time-saving of 16.74 months. This translates to an impressive ROI of 120%, resulting in an annual saving of almost $100,440 per developer from a project standpoint.

Design ROI

They assert potential annual savings of 2.5 hours for designers by eliminating the need to create components from scratch. Using a $70 hourly rate, this could lead to a yearly saving of $9,100 per designer, mitigating the repetitive nature of certain tasks.

Team ROI

According to the latest findings, the majority of design teams consist of fewer than 10 people. In our time-saving estimations per component, this could translate to an annual savings of $91,000, specifically for building new components from the ground up.

Time savings by component

Without a Design System

How long does it take to build a component for each use case?

.e.g. 5 hr Design, 10 hr Engineering, 2 hr maintenance = 17 hr

0 hr
200 hr

With a Design System

How long it takes to build a component?

.e.g. 10 hr Design, 20 hr Engineering, 5 hr maintenance = 35 hr

0 hr
200 hr
How long it takes to implement a component?

.e.g. 10 hr Design, 20 hr Engineering importing time = 30 hr

0 hr
200 hr
Numbers of times implemented
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Time saving  estimation

Implementation Time without Design System
420 Hours
Implementation Time with Design System
340 Hours
Efficiency Gain

Total hours saved

450 hours
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Design System KPIs

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The more comprehensive the design system is, the fewer custom classes are needed for new features.

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The greater number of developers and designers that stick to a design system's standards, the less ad hoc code required for a feature and the bigger the efficiency gains.

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Shared ownership

When developers contribute to a design system, they're more likely to use it. Counting the number of changes made to a design system indicates the shared ownership level within a design team.

Impact on teams

Design systems provide a centralized source of truth that fosters a more efficient and productive workflow. Indeed, a "true" design system is more than a style guide or a component library. Instead, it involves the whole company, unifying teams in terms of visual and brand design, engineering, content, etc.

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DesignSystems can save up 30% of tech-reduced costs.

Let’s work together.